
Showing posts from 2023


  December Well it wouldn’t be my monthly blog if I didn't wait until the last possible second to write and post here huh? I’m glad, if anything, these blogs have shown me that I’m consistently the queen of procrastination.  It’s a heavy crown to wear but somebody has got to do it.  Can you believe we’ve made it to the end of 2023? What a year it has been! Honestly I’m proud that I accomplished this goal of writing a blog each month. It’s cool to look back over these posts to all the things I’ve been through and all the emotions I’ve experienced.  I couldn't make a wrap-up-the-year-post without mentioning my love Mike. My future husband. The answer to the prayers I spent my whole life praying. The person who makes all my failed attempts at love and the countless awkward interactions make sense because God was saving me for him. My miracle. 2023 was good to me in many ways, but meeting and falling in love with the most precious soul on the planet tops it all. Everythi...


Coming at you earlier than normal this month and proud of myself for writing my November blog in the actual month of November. Go me.  While I could easily go for the cliché blog post of gratitude and thankfulness in the month of November, I think I’ll talk about body fat instead. Lol What a goon. I’ve been thinking a lot about weight and bodies and fat and muscle and I feel like I’ve been learning a lot that I want to share. Hopefully it’s relatable and encouraging and slightly entertaining for you dear reader.  At the beginning of the summer I joined a new gym in Waterloo called Numa. It’s been such a blessing to me for many reasons. First of all, it gave me an opportunity to exercise with my mom and sister. Elizabeth and I are pretty competitive with each other and working out together is motivating and fun. Whenever we’re next to each other, we always seem to be the loudest in the room and it’s slightly embarrassing but also really funny. I’ll admit it here just for her, s...


  October  Here we are. October is over. What a beautiful month it has been. October might just be my favorite month of the year. The colors. The wind. The coolness. October is fun and beautiful and exhilarating. It’s been all those things for me too.  This month brought big changes in the small parts of my heart. New and wonderful feelings of love have been stirring in my heart like the golden leaves were stirring through the crisp October air. Precious moments and extreme thankfulness have filled these days.  I have so much to say, but don't know how to say any of it. I’ve been wracking my brain to find a way to share my thoughts, but I can't seem to find the words. So I’ll just let it be.  One thing I do want to say is that God continues to demonstrate His goodness and mercy in my life. He is faithful and kind and full of compassion towards me. He can be all those things for you too.  I leave October with deep gratitude and hopeful expectation for an eve...


September is over people. I can't really wrap my head around that. The days seem long and the weeks go on forever, but in a blink, I’m turning my calendar to the next page. How crazy.  September was good to me. Another great month. There was a lot of work, a lot of love, and a lot of wishing the temperature was cooler. But I look back on September with gratitude.  Honestly, I’m not really sure what to write about here for September. Last month’s blog felt big and slightly dramatic (I know, that’s shocking coming from me), and this month, I’m feeling the pressure to level up in some way. But here I am, 7:00 am on October 1st, trying to come up with something beautiful or profound to share about September, and I can't. And maybe that’s ok. Maybe sometimes we unintentionally look for the big moments to give us some sort of significance or purpose. And we can often feel this weird sense of not-really-living unless we have something major to post about, talk about, or think about. ...


  August Here we are people. The end of another month. Well actually the start of a new month because I am queen procrastinator and I’ve had a lot going on. Sorry not sorry. It still counts.  When I think of August I think of hellos and goodbyes.  This month I said goodbye to the carefree version of myself who only really had to deal with my own concerns and problems. That side of me is delightful, let me tell you. I was so relaxed all summer. In saying goodbye to that version of myself, I said hello to Ms. Bandy, the school social worker, whose job essentially is to carry the concerns and problems of 400+ students. Of course I know it’s not my burden to carry alone - I couldn't make it if it was - but dealing with challenging behaviors, unstable emotions, and family crises are normal parts of my days now. It’s the job I want. And the job I love. But it has been an adjustment shifting that weight and responsibility back onto my shoulders. I couldn't go further in this mom...


Summer is coming to an end and I can feel myself fighting it!!! I know I said this last month, but I’ve seriously had the BEST summer and I’m so so sad it’s almost over. I love my job. So much. But dang do I love summer break even more.  I literally got off the plane this morning from the best beach vacation ever so I’m still coming down from that post vacation bliss! My friend and I went to visit some other friends in Florida for almost a week and it was such a relaxing and refreshing time. I’ve always loved lounging at the beach but for some reason this go around, I didn't want to get out of the water. I felt so free and so happy swimming around out there like a big goober. Being in the ocean feels vulnerable and exhilarating at the same time.  I’d say the lesson I’ve learned/am learning in July is to shake things up a bit. I’ve realized I’ve become extremely set in my ways. I have created a life that I love but I need to guard against too much comfort. I can get settled dow...


Well. It’s July 1st so I missed the cut off for my June blog. And truthfully, I don’t have much to say about June. It was a wonderful month but a very low-key month. I mostly lived a slow paced life. It’s been exactly the month I’ve needed and wanted.   Slow and restful and calm.  Don’t get me wrong, I definitely did stuff this month too! I’ve been able to spend tons of quality time with my family plus I got to spend time with a handful of friends that I don’t often see. I also had some out of the norm adventures that were very enjoyable. I’ve met new people and visited with friends I’ve had for years. There has been a lot of sweetness in my little corner of the world this month.  I joined a new gym so I’ve been doing that five or six days a week. Which has been good for me too. It feels like a move in the right direction.  I accomplished my goal for the month which was to get 10,000 steps every day. I set that goal because I know I am feeling lazy and in the summer ...


Once again I am cutting it super close here! Today is the second to last day of May and I’m finally getting around to writing this month’s blog. May has been crazy! I don't feel like I have much to say this month other than I MADE IT TO SUMMER BREAK!! I am so thrilled about this. That home stretch through the end of the school year is no joke. Ah the sweet bliss of knowing I have half of May, all of June, all of July, and the first part of August off work. I love working in a school for many reasons, but paid summer vacation comes in WAY at the top of that list.  One thing I do want to highlight is the final project I did with my students: coping skill popsicles. You’re on the edge of your seat waiting for an explanation of this profound project aren't ya?!? The kids get to pick a few coping skills and make their own little paper popsicles to take home for the summer that can hopefully remind them to take 5 deep breaths or play with a fidget instead of whacking their sibling o...


  It’s April and if I had to pick a word to describe this month, it would be Yo-Yo. Weird right? And I guess that’s actually two words?!? Not sure about that one.  I can't stop changing my mind. Mainly about my health and fitness. It’s just crazy to me how my feelings and motivation and determination can fluctuate so stinking much. Sometimes, I feel all in - like I will do literally whatever it takes to lose weight. And other times it feels like I’d rather step in a puddle with socks on and then walk over a pit of legos than ever even think about eating a carrot again. What is with that? I’ve created fitness plans and workout routines that will carry me into the next decade, and on other days I’ve wondered if I can sit long enough on my couch that my butt will permanently mold into the cushions. What is with that? Some moments I’ve been excited for summer, and others I’ve been full of dread over the thought of shorts and swimming suits and exposed arms. What is with that? I’ve...


I’m really cutting it close with my post - it's the last day of the month people and I’m thrilled!! I have been trying to think of something deep or profound or life changing to share with my blog world, but I just haven't really come up with anything fabulous. So instead of trying to force myself to be witty, I’ll just give an update about the month and share a bit about what has been going on with your girl. First things first, I just have to give a huge shout out to my new nephew Otto!! Welcome to the world my man. Remember at the beginning of the year when I said that nothing cool ever happens in March?!? - I was wrong. Otto is so cool. He is God’s gift to our family. I couldn't be more proud of my sister and her husband for the way they are transitioning from one kid to two. Otto is sweet and squishy and all the goodness of baby love wrapped up in one tiny dude. I can't wait to see who he grows into. Being an aunt is truly one of my favorite things. I honestly stru...


Happy February people! It’s the month of loooovvveee. Before I start, I want to admit that I ALWAYS struggle spelling the word February. It’s an annoying word to write because of that first “r” - I never say Feb-Ru-ary so it seems so wrong to write it that way. I honestly don't know if I’ve ever typed that word without a red squiggly line under it telling me I’ve made a mistake. Anyone else?!?! It’s just one of those things that makes my blood boil. I think I need to get over it. Or learn how to spell.  Anyways - back to love.  Tomorrow is Valentine’s day and I have a lot of feelings about it. Honestly, I’ve been having a lot of feelings about a lot of things lately. And I don't know why. I would say that I generally like Valentine's Day because I have a lot of people in my life that I love and that love me. I’m blessed and I know it. But what is it about Valentine’s Day that can get this single gal all twisted up inside?! What is with the pressure that this day brings? How...


  Happy 2023 people!  It’s good to be back in the blog world.  As many do in January, I’ve set a few goals for myself this year. I have overarching plans for 2023, but I am trying to break them down into smaller, more manageable increments by setting goals for each month. That way maybe I can make some positive changes in my life but not get overwhelmed or burnt out too fast. Here goes nothing I guess.   One of my goals for the year is to write and post a blog each month. I really do love writing and would like to do it more. So I’m going to. Plus I think it will be kind of cool looking back at the end of the year to see what I’ve been learning and thinking as the months pass by.  It feels weird committing to writing each month before knowing if I’ll have anything to say. So just keep in mind that some months may be more interesting and entertaining than others. Like think about March - what exciting or wonderful thing ever happens in March? We’ll find out....