I’m really cutting it close with my post - it's the last day of the month people and I’m thrilled!! I have been trying to think of something deep or profound or life changing to share with my blog world, but I just haven't really come up with anything fabulous. So instead of trying to force myself to be witty, I’ll just give an update about the month and share a bit about what has been going on with your girl.
First things first, I just have to give a huge shout out to my new nephew Otto!! Welcome to the world my man. Remember at the beginning of the year when I said that nothing cool ever happens in March?!? - I was wrong. Otto is so cool. He is God’s gift to our family. I couldn't be more proud of my sister and her husband for the way they are transitioning from one kid to two. Otto is sweet and squishy and all the goodness of baby love wrapped up in one tiny dude. I can't wait to see who he grows into. Being an aunt is truly one of my favorite things.
I honestly struggled a lot this month with keeping up with the healthy habits I intended for myself. Boo. It’s a work in progress that I’m still working on progressing. (lol that sounds weird but I’m keeping it). It’s discouraging really. But I’m not feeling like unpacking all that here. What I will say is I accomplished the goal of spending 30 minutes outside every day this month. I don't know why I thought that sounded like a good idea, but I’m really glad I did it. There may have been a day or two where I stood in my garage close to the driveway if it was extremely cold or rainy (we did have a few of those days in March) - but I did it! And I think the fresh air did me good. Clean and crisp air has a way of making my brain feel a bit more clean and crisp. I may try to continue that into April.
Last week I learned about something that blew my mind. Basically a NASA dude with a super powerful telescope saw a huge fire tornado on the sun. He said the fire tornado is the size of 14 EARTHS stacked on top of each other and it was raining MOON SIZED gobs of incandescent material onto the surface of the sun. (This is where I would put my citation, but grad school is over and I don't want to. So just google it). What the heck!?!? Just think of how big that is. That literally blows my mind. Honestly learning about this is cool but it also really puts things into perspective. How silly is it that we let the trivial problems in our world consume us and trick us into thinking life is all about us?! This world is literally so much bigger than I am, but for some reason I get all grumpy pants when things don't go the way I want or when people are kinda rude. I dont want to be this way. That article and video gave me a hard dose of reality - this life is not all about me. I think it’s important to be reminded of that from time to time. But I will say it makes me amazed at the God that I serve. He created that fire tornado and every grain of sand, but He still cares about me. And not just cares about me: He loves me, wants to know me, and gave everything (the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus) so that I can spend eternity with Him. WHAT!?! How can that possibly be? I am small and extremely insignificant in this vast world, but I have a Creator who says my life has value and meaning. And so do you. I hope you can be encouraged that you matter, your life is important, and you are deeply loved. Because God says so. And I wouldn't argue with someone who can create incandescent gob spewing fire tornados…
As we end this month, I am getting excited and hopeful for what’s next to come. And I hope you are too.
Forward to April.
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