Letting it go.
I got rid of my fat pants. Weird way to start off this weeks's blog huh? It's true. If you know me well, you know that I have hoarder tendencies. I find sentimental value to practically everything I've ever seen and/or touched. Rationally I know this makes no sense, but I am super nostalgic and don't want to get rid of anything that will give me a warm and fuzzy feeling or might be the slightest bit useful for me in the future. While there may be some wisdom in holding onto things, it can also become a major hindrance in life. If you've watched any episodes of TLC's show Hoarders, you have seen that people can use their things to make actual walls around them. While I've never gotten to that level, there is a part of me that sees why and how it gets to that place. Things can bring comfort. Things can bring memories. Things can bring safety. And that's what my fat pants have been. Like I've mentioned before...