The Love of God

Happy Saturday World!

It's 10:30 in Nairobi and I am here to write about another week. Isn't it crazy to think that it's been 5 weeks already? Isn't it even crazier that there will be only 2 or 3 more of these Saturday updates? I don't know where the time has gone.

This was a good week. There were 2 teams from Arizona here doing a VBS and medical camp. I was in the snack room. I made balloon hats and painted faces. It was great. The kids lit up when I put that balloon on their head or when I showed them the sorry excuse for a flower that I painted on their cheeks. Let me just say that I am no artist!! hahaha. But no matter how puny it was, the kids could not keep from smiling. It really warmed my heart. I was also really blessed by the team that came. I got to talk with a lot of people and make some new friends. There is just something awesome about working with brothers and sisters in Christ. We had never met before - and probably won't ever be together again - but, we were united and tied together by Christ's love. I was just s blessed by that this past week.

We went on a couple of home visits this week too. Those continue to be a challenge. These women have so little. It seems like every family has no husband/father because he has abandoned them or has been killed. It is so sad. But these women are so full of hope. They tell us over and over that God is good to them and that they know He will take care of them. It breaks my heart when every single woman asks us to pray that God will give them more work so they can provide for their kids. That's all they want. They are not asking God for things or wealth or power, just enough money so their kids don't have to go to bed hungry. I have never known anything like this. I am so humbled by the little that they are satisfied with. How unbelievably arrogant are we, that we are not content unless we have the newest phone, the fastest computer, or the cutest hair style? I am just so convicted by the way I always want more. These women NEED God every single day of their lives. How often do we honestly say or think that we NEED Him? Not nearly enough. "Give us each day our daily bread" has never meant more to me. If I can encourage you of anything this week, I want to encourage you to pray for the families, the women, in the Mathare Valley Slums. They need God to survive. Pray that they keep trusting that He will provide. And pray that God helps us to realize what really matters in this life.

I am starting to get very excited about coming home. I am thrilled to be here for another 2 1/2 weeks but I am so looking forward to being home. I have been so blessed by my family. Anyone who has spent a minute with anyone of them knows how amazing they all are. I don't know why God decided to bless me with those crazy people, but I am so glad that He did. I also can't wait to be back with friends, my church family, and the wonderful people at LCU. I am just overwhelmed by all the goodness God has placed in my life. This internship has made me realize how blessed and loved that I truly am.

I just want to finish up this week's update with a word on God's love. This has been a theme for me this summer. We all know that God is love. But, when we really stop and think about it, the fact that God loves us at all is unbelievable. He knows everything about us - and loves us in spite of it all. I know that my heart longs for unconditional love and acceptance - and that is what He gives. I have been consumed by His love. That changes everything about everything. I have been so encouraged by Lamentations 3:21-24. It says: "Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, 'The Lord is my portion, therefore I will wait for him." I love that. I don't need to be consumed with any feeling of fear or worry or insecurity, because God loves me and is all that I need. That's awesome. I've been reading a book about loving and trusting God and I want to leave you with a quote about God's love. I pray that it will bless you as it has blessed me....

"Take your human feelings, multiply them exponentially into infinity, and you will have a hint of the love of God revealed by and in Jesus Christ. With a strong affirmation of our goodness and a gentle understanding of our weakness, God is loving us - you and me - at this moment, just as we are and not as we should be. There is nothing any of us can do to increase his love for us and nothing we can do to diminish it."

Until next week...


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