It’s April and if I had to pick a word to describe this month, it would be Yo-Yo. Weird right? And I guess that’s actually two words?!? Not sure about that one. I can't stop changing my mind. Mainly about my health and fitness. It’s just crazy to me how my feelings and motivation and determination can fluctuate so stinking much. Sometimes, I feel all in - like I will do literally whatever it takes to lose weight. And other times it feels like I’d rather step in a puddle with socks on and then walk over a pit of legos than ever even think about eating a carrot again. What is with that? I’ve created fitness plans and workout routines that will carry me into the next decade, and on other days I’ve wondered if I can sit long enough on my couch that my butt will permanently mold into the cushions. What is with that? Some moments I’ve been excited for summer, and others I’ve been full of dread over the thought of shorts and swimming suits and exposed arms. What is with that? I’ve...