Happy February people! It’s the month of loooovvveee. Before I start, I want to admit that I ALWAYS struggle spelling the word February. It’s an annoying word to write because of that first “r” - I never say Feb-Ru-ary so it seems so wrong to write it that way. I honestly don't know if I’ve ever typed that word without a red squiggly line under it telling me I’ve made a mistake. Anyone else?!?! It’s just one of those things that makes my blood boil. I think I need to get over it. Or learn how to spell. Anyways - back to love. Tomorrow is Valentine’s day and I have a lot of feelings about it. Honestly, I’ve been having a lot of feelings about a lot of things lately. And I don't know why. I would say that I generally like Valentine's Day because I have a lot of people in my life that I love and that love me. I’m blessed and I know it. But what is it about Valentine’s Day that can get this single gal all twisted up inside?! What is with the pressure that this day brings? How...