Planting and growing.
Welcome back my people!!
It’s been quite some time since I posted on here. We’ve almost reached the year mark since my last blog. Wow. What a year it has been am I right?!? Who would have thought that 2020 would have played out the way it has??
2019 was my best year yet. I was on top of the world and feeling stronger, healthier, and more confident in the way my life was heading than ever before. 2020 started off promising too but we all know that March hit and everything changed. The year took a hard nosedive and seems to be continuing its downward spiral. This has been a year of turmoil and conflict and fear.
I have a lot to say about a lot of things, but not today. Today I wanted to share a little something that I have been learning through this year. It’s nothing profound, but it has helped me in profound ways. Here it is. Are you ready? Be prepared to be amazed.
What you plant, grows.
Wow. Is your world rocked?
It’s a simple concept but for some reason it’s hard to apply that principle in our everyday lives. What you plant, grows. It’s true about flowers. It’s true about fruit. It’s true about attitudes and beliefs and perspectives.
If a farmer planted a field full of corn and was mad that watermelons weren’t growing in that field, we’d say he’s a dumb dumb head. Why? Because he should have known that he wasn’t going to get watermelons when he planted corn. If he wanted watermelons to grow, then he should have planted… say it with me… watermelon seeds. Corn seeds = crop of corn. Watermelon seeds = crop of watermelon. How could that farmer expect anything but corn to grow if he planted corn seeds?
See where I’m going with this?
There is SO MUCH that we cannot control. But we DO have a say in what grows in our lives.
If all I am planting in my life is negativity, fear, disappointment, anger, bitterness, self-centeredness, “me-verses-you” thinking and hopelessness – then what is going to grow in my life? Wouldn’t it be obvious to say that what will grow from those seeds will be more of the same?? More fear. More division. More poison.
The opposite is true as well. If I decide that I am going to plant seeds of thankfulness, hope, courage, friendship, love, social justice and forgiveness - then what is going to grow in my life? More of the same. More faith. More positivity. More good.
That honestly blows my mind and is majorly empowering to me. There is a lot that I cannot control right now, but I do get to control what grows in my life. I have to guard what I’m allowing to influence me and what I’m allowing to “grow” in my heart. It’s really important. I have to be intential about planting good things because: what you plant = what will grow.
My hope is in Jesus and I stay planted in Him because I know that apart from Him, I have no chance of growing anything of value. If you want to know more about that, please ask. I’d love to share with you. It’s because of Him that I have more peace, confidence, and hope than I literally ever have.
Take courage my friend. I know this year has been a lot. But remember that simple truth: What you plant, grows. You may not get to decide what’s happening around you – but because of what you are plating in your life – you for sure get to decide what grows in and out of you.
Love you darlings.
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