August Here we are people. The end of another month. Well actually the start of a new month because I am queen procrastinator and I’ve had a lot going on. Sorry not sorry. It still counts. When I think of August I think of hellos and goodbyes. This month I said goodbye to the carefree version of myself who only really had to deal with my own concerns and problems. That side of me is delightful, let me tell you. I was so relaxed all summer. In saying goodbye to that version of myself, I said hello to Ms. Bandy, the school social worker, whose job essentially is to carry the concerns and problems of 400+ students. Of course I know it’s not my burden to carry alone - I couldn't make it if it was - but dealing with challenging behaviors, unstable emotions, and family crises are normal parts of my days now. It’s the job I want. And the job I love. But it has been an adjustment shifting that weight and responsibility back onto my shoulders. I couldn't go further in this mom...